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The functions in this group take a tax year and identifier as input and return a data.table as an output. The returned data contains a geometry column representing the spatial boundary of the taxing entity.


lookup_pin10_geometry(year, pin10, conn = ptaxsim_db_conn)



A numeric vector of tax years.


A character vector of 10-digit PINs.


A connection object pointing to a local copy of the PTAXSIM database.


A data.table containing the specified geometry. NOTE: The geometry is returned as a character vector in the Well-Known Text (WKT) format. You must convert the character vector before using sf or similar packages to perform spatial manipulation.


  • lookup_pin10_geometry(): Lookup the parcel boundary for a specific PIN and year. Returns a data.table with the PIN's geometry (as WKT) as well as the longitude and latitude of the PIN's centroid. NOTE: Not all PINs in the tax bill database have corresponding geometries.

See also

Other lookups: lookup_dt, lookup_vec


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
lookup_pin10_geometry(2019, "2030419002")
} # }