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The functions in this group take a tax year, PIN, and/or tax code as input and return a data.table as an output. The returned data are in a specific format (in terms of column name/type/order) and can be used directly in tax_bill or piped to helper functions.

When calculating tax bills for future years or providing custom/simulated data, you'll need to replicate the format returned by these functions.


lookup_agency(year, tax_code, conn = ptaxsim_db_conn)

  stage = "clerk",
  eq_version = "final",
  conn = ptaxsim_db_conn

lookup_tif(year, tax_code, conn = ptaxsim_db_conn)



A numeric vector of tax years.


A character vector of 5-digit Cook County tax codes.


A connection object pointing to a local copy of the PTAXSIM database.


A character vector of 14-digit PINs.


A length 1 character vector indicating the assessment stage from which to pull assessed value (column av) and equalized assessed value (column eav). Options include "mailed", "certified", "board", and "clerk".


A length 1 character vector indicating the version of the equalizer. The Illinois Department of Revenue calculates two equalizers:

  1. "tentative" - The tentative equalizer based on CCAO certified values

  2. "final" - The final equalizer based on Board of Review certified values

In general, the "tentative" value should be used with the "mailed" and "certified" stage options, while the "final" value should be used with the "board" and "clerk" stage options.


A data.table containing the specified tax data.


  • lookup_agency(): Lookup tax agency (CPS, Cook County, forest preserve) total equalized assessed values. Such values are known as the "base" and are used to calculate per agency tax rates. Also returns each agency's levy amount. Returns a data.table with 1 row for each agency associated with the input tax code and year.

  • lookup_pin(): Lookup the equalized assessed value and exemptions for a specific PIN and year. Returns a data.table with AV, EAV, and a column specifying the EAV value of each received exemption.

  • lookup_tif(): Lookup any TIFs that apply to a given tax code and year. Returns a data.table with only 1 row per tax code and year, or 0 rows if the tax code is not part of a TIF.

See also

Other lookups: lookup_geom, lookup_vec


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
lookup_agency(2019, "73105")
lookup_pin(2018:2019, "20304190020000")
lookup_tif(2019, "73105")
} # }