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This vignette introduces the PTAXSIM package, including its: main function, primary inputs, basic abilities, and common uses. Advanced use cases are described in separate vignettes. Familiarity with the Cook County property tax system is useful, but not essential to follow this vignette.

In this vignette, we will:

  1. Start with the basics - what is PTAXSIM, its main function, the main function’s inputs;
  2. Then we will look at common scenarios - calculating a bill after a change in assessed value, getting the change in a bill’s proportions over time, etc.

1. Basics

What is PTAXSIM?

PTAXSIM is a software package to estimate Cook County property tax bills. It has two parts:

  1. A database file containing the historical data (>= 2006) necessary to estimate individual property tax bills
  2. A highly-optimized R package that utilizes the database to quickly and efficiently estimate tax bills

By default, PTAXSIM uses the data in the database to estimate historical tax bills. However, you can also provide counterfactual data in order to generate counterfactual bills.

Note that:

  • The R package cannot function without the separate database, as its functions query the database directly.

  • PTAXSIM’s output bills are estimates which may not be identical to real bills. This is due to differences in rounding, math, and data between PTAXSIM and the real tax calculation program.

  • All of PTAXSIM’s inputs and outputs are data.tables to facilitate efficient operation chaining and/or by-reference column updates. This enables fast and memory-efficient calculations, which are needed to perform large-scale counterfactual simulations.

  • You must instantiate a database connection object with the name ptaxsim_db_conn before using PTAXSIM. Here is an example connection:

    # Create the DB connection with the default name expected by PTAXSIM functions
    ptaxsim_db_conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), here("ptaxsim.db"))

The main function - tax_bill()

PTAXSIM has a single primary function - tax_bill() - with two required arguments:

  1. year_vec - A numeric vector of tax years
  2. pin_vec - A character vector of 14-digit Property Index Numbers (PINs), with no dashes or spaces

The output is a data.table containing the tax amount directed to each taxing district, by PIN and year. Let’s look at an example using just one property and year:

bill <- tax_bill(year_vec = 2021, pin_vec = "13264290020000")
#> Key: <year, pin, agency_num>
#>      year            pin  class tax_code    av    eav agency_num
#>     <int>         <char> <char>   <char> <int>  <int>     <char>
#>  1:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  010010000
#>  2:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  010020000
#>  3:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  030210000
#>  4:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  030210001
#>  5:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  030210002
#>  6:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  043030000
#>  7:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  044060000
#>  8:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  050200000
#>  9:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  050200001
#> 10:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  080180000
#> 11:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  140030000
#>                      agency_name     agency_major_type agency_minor_type
#>                           <char>                <char>            <char>
#>  1:               COUNTY OF COOK           COOK COUNTY              COOK
#>  2: FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT ...           COOK COUNTY              COOK
#>  3:              CITY OF CHICAGO MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP              MUNI
#>  6: CHICAGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE...                SCHOOL         COMM COLL
#>  7:           BOARD OF EDUCATION                SCHOOL           UNIFIED
#>  8:        CHICAGO PARK DISTRICT         MISCELLANEOUS              PARK
#>     agency_tax_rate final_tax
#>               <num>     <num>
#>  1:         0.00446    836.52
#>  2:         0.00058    108.79
#>  3:         0.01556   2918.45
#>  4:         0.00129    241.95
#>  5:         0.00153    286.97
#>  6:         0.00145    271.96
#>  7:         0.03517   6596.52
#>  8:         0.00311    583.31
#>  9:         0.00000      0.00
#> 10:         0.00382    716.48
#> 11:         0.00022     41.26

Output columns

Column Name Description Possible Valus
year Tax year of the bill. Note that bills are paid in arrears, so a 2021 bill is paid in 2022 Must be >= 2006
pin Property Index Number of the property. This is the unique identifier of each parcel in Cook County
class The 3-digit Assessor minor class code. This identifies the property type/structure See class dictionary
tax_code The 5-digit tax code. Each tax code identifies the unique combination of taxing districts that a PIN is within. Note that the first 2 digits of tax_code are the Assessor township code
av Assessed value of the property. By default, this is the finalized AV after all appeals have been completed. See optional arguments below for more details Must be >= 0
eav The av multiplied by the state equalization factor Must be >= 0
agency_num Unique numeric identifier for each taxing body/district. Each pin is typically taxed by multiple taxing districts. tax_bill() will output 1 row for each district for each PIN and year. The PIN above is being taxed by 11 districts
agency_name Name of the taxing district
agency_major_type Type of taxing district. Similar to the grouping used on real tax bills COOK COUNTY, MISCELLANEOUS, MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP, SCHOOL
agency_tax_rate The tax rate for the PIN and district, which is calculated from each district’s levy and total tax base
final_tax The final tax (in dollars) the PIN owes to the taxing district. Equal to agency_tax_rate * eav in cases without exemptions

Multiple PINs or years

The tax_bill() function can take multiple years in the year_vec argument:

bills <- tax_bill(2010:2021, "13264290020000")
print(bills, topn = 3)
#> Key: <year, pin, agency_num>
#>       year            pin  class tax_code    av    eav agency_num
#>      <int>         <char> <char>   <char> <int>  <int>     <char>
#>   1:  2010 13264290020000    211    71001 34882 115111  010010000
#>   2:  2010 13264290020000    211    71001 34882 115111  010020000
#>   3:  2010 13264290020000    211    71001 34882 115111  030210000
#>  ---                                                             
#> 121:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  050200001
#> 122:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  080180000
#> 123:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  140030000
#>                       agency_name     agency_major_type agency_minor_type
#>                            <char>                <char>            <char>
#>   1:               COUNTY OF COOK           COOK COUNTY              COOK
#>   2: FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT ...           COOK COUNTY              COOK
#>   3:              CITY OF CHICAGO MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP              MUNI
#>  ---                                                                     
#>      agency_tax_rate final_tax
#>                <num>     <num>
#>   1:         0.00423    282.30
#>   2:         0.00051     34.04
#>   3:         0.00914    609.97
#>  ---                          
#> 121:         0.00000      0.00
#> 122:         0.00382    716.48
#> 123:         0.00022     41.26

And multiple PINs in the pin_vec argument:

bills <- tax_bill(2021, c("13264290020000", "07101010391078", "10153080520000"))
print(bills, topn = 3)
#> Key: <year, pin, agency_num>
#>      year            pin  class tax_code    av    eav agency_num
#>     <int>         <char> <char>   <char> <int>  <int>     <char>
#>  1:  2021 07101010391078    299    35011 10738  32243  010010000
#>  2:  2021 07101010391078    299    35011 10738  32243  010010001
#>  3:  2021 07101010391078    299    35011 10738  32243  010020000
#> ---                                                             
#> 37:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  050200001
#> 38:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  080180000
#> 39:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  140030000
#>                      agency_name agency_major_type agency_minor_type
#>                           <char>            <char>            <char>
#>  1:               COUNTY OF COOK       COOK COUNTY              COOK
#>  2:       CONSOLIDATED ELECTIONS       COOK COUNTY              COOK
#> ---                                                                 
#>     agency_tax_rate final_tax
#>               <num>     <num>
#>  1:         0.00446     99.20
#>  2:         0.00019      4.23
#>  3:         0.00058     12.90
#> ---                          
#> 37:         0.00000      0.00
#> 38:         0.00382    716.48
#> 39:         0.00022     41.26

Passing year_vec and pin_vec of different lengths will yield the Cartesian product of those vectors:

bills <- tax_bill(
  year_vec = 2006:2021,
  pin_vec = c("13264290020000", "07101010391078", "10153080520000")
print(bills, topn = 3)
#> Key: <year, pin, agency_num>
#>       year            pin  class tax_code    av    eav agency_num
#>      <int>         <char> <char>   <char> <int>  <int>     <char>
#>   1:  2006 10153080520000    211    24023 54989 148888  010010000
#>   2:  2006 10153080520000    211    24023 54989 148888  010010001
#>   3:  2006 10153080520000    211    24023 54989 148888  010020000
#>  ---                                                             
#> 584:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  050200001
#> 585:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  080180000
#> 586:  2021 13264290020000    211    71163 62464 187561  140030000
#>                       agency_name agency_major_type agency_minor_type
#>                            <char>            <char>            <char>
#>   1:               COUNTY OF COOK       COOK COUNTY              COOK
#>   2:       CONSOLIDATED ELECTIONS       COOK COUNTY              COOK
#>   3: FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT ...       COOK COUNTY              COOK
#>  ---                                                                 
#>      agency_tax_rate final_tax
#>                <num>     <num>
#>   1:         0.00500    215.83
#>   2:         0.00000      0.00
#>   3:         0.00057     24.61
#>  ---                          
#> 584:         0.00000      0.00
#> 585:         0.00382    716.48
#> 586:         0.00022     41.26

Passing year_vec and pin_vec of the same length will match the vectors element-wise:

bills <- tax_bill(
  year_vec = c(2012, 2006, 2021),
  pin_vec = c("13264290020000", "07101010391078", "10153080520000")
print(bills, topn = 3)
#> Key: <year, pin, agency_num>
#>      year            pin  class tax_code    av    eav agency_num
#>     <int>         <char> <char>   <char> <int>  <int>     <char>
#>  1:  2012 13264290020000    211    71001 37280 104593  010010000
#>  2:  2012 13264290020000    211    71001 37280 104593  010020000
#>  3:  2012 13264290020000    211    71001 37280 104593  030210000
#> ---                                                             
#> 22:  2021 10153080520000    211    24023 42720 128275  050970000
#> 23:  2021 10153080520000    211    24023 42720 128275  080180000
#> 24:  2021 10153080520000    211    24023 42720 128275  090020000
#>                      agency_name     agency_major_type agency_minor_type
#>                           <char>                <char>            <char>
#>  1:               COUNTY OF COOK           COOK COUNTY              COOK
#>  2: FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT ...           COOK COUNTY              COOK
#>  3:              CITY OF CHICAGO MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP              MUNI
#> ---                                                                     
#> 22:         SKOKIE PARK DISTRICT         MISCELLANEOUS              PARK
#>     agency_tax_rate final_tax
#>               <num>     <num>
#>  1:         0.00531    518.22
#>  2:         0.00063     61.48
#>  3:         0.01151   1123.30
#> ---                          
#> 22:         0.00451    398.12
#> 23:         0.00382    337.21
#> 24:         0.00009      7.94

These basic arguments can even be used to calculate line-item bills for all PINs and years, assuming you have enough system memory:

# Query the PTAXSIM database directly to get all unique PINs
pins <- DBI::dbGetQuery(ptaxsim_db_conn, "SELECT DISTINCT pin FROM pin")

# Calculate all bills for all years (~350M rows, takes about 10 minutes)
bills <- tax_bill(2006:2021, pins$pin)
print(bills, topn = 3)
#> NOT RUN, takes too long on GitHub CI and requires ~90 GB of RAM

Optional arguments to tax_bill()

In addition to the two required arguments, tax_bill() also has a number of optional arguments that can be used for counterfactual or predictive analysis.

By default, these arguments are filled with historic data from the PTAXSIM database. Each argument has a corresponding function, prefixed with lookup_, that retrieves data from the database and puts it in the format expected by tax_bill(). These arguments and their corresponding lookup_ functions are:


  • Expects a character vector of Cook County tax codes. Must be the same length as the combination of year_vec and pin_vec, using the same recycling rules as tax_bill()
  • A tax code is a 5-digit number that identifies the unique overlap of taxing districts for a given PIN and year
  • Tax codes can vary from year to year for the same PIN as taxing districts are created or destroyed
  • Changing tax_code_vec “relocates” a PIN by changing the things that are taxing it. This can be useful for counterfactual analysis. For example, if you own property within a school district and want to know what your tax bill would be just outside the district, but otherwise within the same municipality, then you can find the tax code that represents that situation and plug it into tax_bill()
  • Filled by lookup_tax_code():
    • Takes PINs and years as inputs and outputs a character vector of tax codes. Here is an example:

      tax_code <- lookup_tax_code(2018:2021, "13264290020000")
      #> [1] "71001" "71163" "71163" "71163"
    • Follows the same recycling rules as tax_bill(): input vectors of the same length return an element-wise output, input vectors of different lengths return the Cartesian product.

      tax_code <- lookup_tax_code(
        year = 2018:2021,
        pin = c("13264290020000", "07101010391078", "10153080520000")
      #>  [1] "71001" "35011" "24023" "71163" "35011" "24023" "71163" "35011" "24023"
      #> [10] "71163" "35011" "24023"
      tax_code <- lookup_tax_code(
        year = 2006:2021,
        pin = c("13264290020000", "07101010391078", "10153080520000")
      #>  [1] "71001" NA      "24023" "71001" NA      "24023" "71001" "35011" "24023"
      #> [10] "71001" "35011" "24023" "71001" "35011" "24023" "71001" "35011" "24023"
      #> [19] "71001" "35011" "24023" "71001" "35011" "24023" "71001" "35011" "24023"
      #> [28] "71001" "35011" "24023" "71001" "35011" "24023" "71001" "35011" "24023"
      #> [37] "71001" "35011" "24023" "71163" "35011" "24023" "71163" "35011" "24023"
      #> [46] "71163" "35011" "24023"


Column Name Type Key Note
year int 1 See tax_bill() outputs
tax_code varchar(5) 2 See tax_bill() outputs
agency_num varchar(9) 3 See tax_bill() outputs
agency_name varchar See tax_bill() outputs
agency_major_type varchar See tax_bill() outputs
agency_minor_type varchar See tax_bill() outputs
agency_total_eav bigint The total amount of EAV within the taxing district, otherwise known as the “base”. This is the denominator when calculating tax rates
agency_total_ext double The total extension requested by the taxing district, otherwise known as the “levy”. This is the amount the district needs in tax revenue and is the numerator when calculating tax rates
  • Expects a data.table with the columns above:
  • Each row represents a taxing district (agency) that imposes a tax on the specified tax_code. Different tax_codes can have different numbers of districts taxing them
  • The input data.table must be keyed on the year, tax_code, and agency_num columns and must be distinct, e.i. it must not have repeat rows
  • When joined to the PIN level (via tax_code) the agency_dt table is used to determine which districts a PIN pays and how much. The basic calculation is: pin_eav*(agency_levy/agency_base)pin\_eav * (agency\_levy / agency\_base)
  • Filled by lookup_agency():
    • Takes years and tax codes as inputs and outputs a keyed data.table of taxing districts, including their identifying information, extension, and base. Here is an example:

      tax_code <- lookup_tax_code(2021, "13264290020000")
      agency <- lookup_agency(2021, tax_code)
      print(agency, topn = 3)
      #> Key: <year, tax_code, agency_num>
      #>      year tax_code agency_num                  agency_name
      #>     <int>   <char>     <char>                       <char>
      #>  1:  2021    71163  010010000               COUNTY OF COOK
      #>  2:  2021    71163  010020000 FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT ...
      #>  3:  2021    71163  030210000              CITY OF CHICAGO
      #> ---                                                       
      #>  9:  2021    71163  050200001 CHICAGO PARK DISTRICT AQU...
      #> 10:  2021    71163  080180000 METRO WATER RECLAMATION D...
      #> 11:  2021    71163  140030000 LOGAN AVONDALE HERMOSA EX...
      #>         agency_major_type agency_minor_type agency_total_eav agency_total_ext
      #>                    <char>            <char>            <i64>            <num>
      #>  1:           COOK COUNTY              COOK     175454836754      782528571.9
      #>  2:           COOK COUNTY              COOK     175454836754      101763805.3
      #>  3: MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP              MUNI      96913880556     1507979981.5
      #> ---                                                                          
      #>  9:         MISCELLANEOUS              BOND      96913880556              0.0
      #> 10:         MISCELLANEOUS             WATER     172735189631      659848424.4
      #> 11:         MISCELLANEOUS            HEALTH       4467629443         982878.5
    • Note that it returns a distinct set of districts, even if year and tax code are repeated:

      tax_codes <- lookup_tax_code(
        year = 2021,
        pin = c("13264290020000", "13264290020000", "13264290020000")
      agency <- lookup_agency(c(2021, 2021, 2021), tax_codes)
      print(agency, topn = 3)
      #> Key: <year, tax_code, agency_num>
      #>      year tax_code agency_num                  agency_name
      #>     <int>   <char>     <char>                       <char>
      #>  1:  2021    71163  010010000               COUNTY OF COOK
      #>  2:  2021    71163  010020000 FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT ...
      #>  3:  2021    71163  030210000              CITY OF CHICAGO
      #> ---                                                       
      #>  9:  2021    71163  050200001 CHICAGO PARK DISTRICT AQU...
      #> 10:  2021    71163  080180000 METRO WATER RECLAMATION D...
      #> 11:  2021    71163  140030000 LOGAN AVONDALE HERMOSA EX...
      #>         agency_major_type agency_minor_type agency_total_eav agency_total_ext
      #>                    <char>            <char>            <i64>            <num>
      #>  1:           COOK COUNTY              COOK     175454836754      782528571.9
      #>  2:           COOK COUNTY              COOK     175454836754      101763805.3
      #>  3: MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP              MUNI      96913880556     1507979981.5
      #> ---                                                                          
      #>  9:         MISCELLANEOUS              BOND      96913880556              0.0
      #> 10:         MISCELLANEOUS             WATER     172735189631      659848424.4
      #> 11:         MISCELLANEOUS            HEALTH       4467629443         982878.5


Column Name Type Key Note
year int 1 See tax_bill() outputs
pin varchar(14) 2 See tax_bill() outputs
class varchar(3) See tax_bill() outputs
av int See tax_bill() outputs
eav int See tax_bill() outputs
exe_homeowner int Homeowner Exemption. All exemption amounts are in EAV, e.i. the Homeowner Exemption is typically an integer equal to 10000
exe_senior int Senior Exemption
exe_freeze int Senior Freeze Exemption. Subtract from eav to get the frozen amount
exe_longtime_homeowner int Longtime Homeowner Exemption
exe_disabled int Persons with Disabilities Exemption
exe_vet_returning int Returning Veterans Exemption
exe_vet_dis_lt50 int Veterans with Disabilities Exemption. Level of disability < 50%
exe_vet_dis_50_69 int Veterans with Disabilities Exemption. Level of disability >= 51% and <= 69%
exe_vet_dis_ge70 int Veterans with Disabilities Exemption. Level of disability >= 70%
exe_abate int Other tax abatements, exemptions, etc.
  • Expects a data.table with the columns above:
  • Each row represents the assessed value and exemptions for a specific PIN and year
  • All exemptions are recorded in EAV. For example, per Illinois statute, the Homeowner Exemption is currently equal to $10,000 in EAV. This amount is multiplied by the local tax rate for the PIN to determine the final exemption amount. The higher the tax rate, the larger the exemption
  • The input data.table must be keyed on the year and pin columns and must be distinct, e.i. it must not have repeat rows
  • Filled by lookup_pin():
    • Takes years and PINs as inputs and outputs a keyed data.table of PINs, including their class, assessed value, and individual exemptions. Here is an example:

      pin <- lookup_pin(2021, "13264290020000")
      #> Key: <year, pin>
      #>     year            pin  class    av    eav exe_homeowner exe_senior exe_freeze
      #>    <num>         <char> <char> <int>  <int>         <int>      <int>      <int>
      #> 1:  2021 13264290020000    211 62464 187561             0          0          0
      #>    exe_longtime_homeowner exe_disabled exe_vet_returning exe_vet_dis_lt50
      #>                     <int>        <int>             <int>            <int>
      #> 1:                      0            0                 0                0
      #>    exe_vet_dis_50_69 exe_vet_dis_ge70 exe_abate
      #>                <int>            <int>     <int>
      #> 1:                 0                0         0
    • Repeat inputs will yield distinct outputs:

      pin <- lookup_pin(2021, c("13264290020000", "13264290020000"))
      #> Key: <year, pin>
      #>     year            pin  class    av    eav exe_homeowner exe_senior exe_freeze
      #>    <num>         <char> <char> <int>  <int>         <int>      <int>      <int>
      #> 1:  2021 13264290020000    211 62464 187561             0          0          0
      #>    exe_longtime_homeowner exe_disabled exe_vet_returning exe_vet_dis_lt50
      #>                     <int>        <int>             <int>            <int>
      #> 1:                      0            0                 0                0
      #>    exe_vet_dis_50_69 exe_vet_dis_ge70 exe_abate
      #>                <int>            <int>     <int>
      #> 1:                 0                0         0
    • By default, will return the final assessed value for the year after all appeals are processed. This can be changed using an additional argument: stage. The options for stage include:

      • "mailed" - Initial assessed values mailed to taxpayers, no appeals
      • "certified" - Assessed values after Assessor appeals are complete
      • "board" - Assessed values after Board of Review appeals are complete
      • "clerk" - Assessed values used by the Clerk to calculate the base and by the Treasurer to calculate bills. Identical to "board" in the huge majority of cases
      pin_mailed <- lookup_pin(2021, "13264290020000", stage = "mailed")
      pin_board <- lookup_pin(2021, "13264290020000", stage = "board")
      print(rbind(pin_mailed, pin_board))
      #>     year            pin  class    av    eav exe_homeowner exe_senior exe_freeze
      #>    <num>         <char> <char> <int>  <int>         <int>      <int>      <int>
      #> 1:  2021 13264290020000    211 80000 240216             0          0          0
      #> 2:  2021 13264290020000    211 62464 187561             0          0          0
      #>    exe_longtime_homeowner exe_disabled exe_vet_returning exe_vet_dis_lt50
      #>                     <int>        <int>             <int>            <int>
      #> 1:                      0            0                 0                0
      #> 2:                      0            0                 0                0
      #>    exe_vet_dis_50_69 exe_vet_dis_ge70 exe_abate
      #>                <int>            <int>     <int>
      #> 1:                 0                0         0
      #> 2:                 0                0         0


Column Name Type Key Note
year int 1 See tax_bill() outputs
tax_code varchar(5) 2 See tax_bill() outputs. Unique identifier for the tax situation created by the TIF
agency_num varchar(9) 3 See tax_bill() outputs. Unique identifier for the TIF
agency_name varchar See tax_bill() outputs
agency_major_type varchar See tax_bill() outputs
agency_minor_type varchar See tax_bill() outputs
tif_share double The percentage of this tax code/PIN’s revenue dedicated to the TIF. Increases as the EAV above the frozen amount increases
  • Expects a data.table with the columns above:
  • Each row represents a TIF that covers the specified tax_code. Each tax_code can only have one TIF, likewise for PINs
  • The input data.table must be keyed on the year, tax_code, and agency_num columns and must be distinct, e.i. it must not have repeat rows
  • Filled by lookup_tif():
    • Takes years and tax codes as inputs and outputs a keyed data.table of TIF districts, including their identifying information and distribution percentage/TIF share. Here is an example:

      tax_code <- lookup_tax_code(2021, "14172270080000")
      tif <- lookup_tif(2021, tax_code)
      print(tif, topn = 3)
      #> Key: <year, tax_code, agency_num>
      #>     year tax_code agency_num                  agency_name     agency_major_type
      #>    <int>   <char>     <char>                       <char>                <char>
      #> 1:  2021    73032  030210610 TIF - CHICAGO - WILSON YA... MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP
      #>    agency_minor_type tif_share
      #>               <char>     <num>
      #> 1:               TIF 0.7337937
    • Returns a data.table with zero rows if the specified tax_code is not within a TIF district:

      tax_code <- lookup_tax_code(2021, "13264290020000")
      tif <- lookup_tif(2021, tax_code)
      print(tif, topn = 3)
      #> Key: <year, tax_code, agency_num>
      #> Empty data.table (0 rows and 7 cols): year,tax_code,agency_num,agency_name,agency_major_type,agency_minor_type...

2. Common scenarios

In this section, we’ll look at how to use the tax_bill() function to model common property tax scenarios. These scenarios are simple enough that they do not require complicated secondary tax_bill() inputs (such as recalculating the tax base). Let’s see some examples.

Change in assessed value

To recalculate a tax bill with a counterfactual assessed value, simply change the pin_dt column eav. For example, PIN 13-26-429-002-0000 had a 2020 estimated market value of $403,710. What if it had a market value of $800,000?

To find out, we’ll first convert the new market value into the equalized assessed value (EAV).

mkt_value <- 800000

# For residential properties, AV is 10% of market value
assmt_value <- mkt_value * 0.1

# Get the final equalization factor for 2020 to get the equalized assessed value
eq_factor <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
  "SELECT * FROM eq_factor WHERE year = 2020"
) %>%

eq_value <- assmt_value * eq_factor

Then we’ll recalculate the bill using the new EAV and compare to the original. To do so, we’ll create a counterfactual pin_dt input by replacing the original 2020 eav column with our newly calculated EAV.

pin_dt_new <- lookup_pin(2020, "13264290020000") %>%
  mutate(av = assmt_value, eav = eq_value) %>%
  setDT(key = c("year", "pin")) # convert to data.table or R will complain

# Combine the original and updated bills into one output
  tax_bill(2020, "13264290020000") %>% mutate(type = "original"),
  tax_bill(2020, "13264290020000", pin_dt = pin_dt_new) %>%
    mutate(type = "counterfactual")
) %>%
  group_by(year, pin, type, av) %>%
  summarize(bill_total = sum(final_tax)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#> # Groups:   year, pin, type [2]
#>    year pin            type              av bill_total
#>   <int> <chr>          <chr>          <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1  2020 13264290020000 original       40371      9026.
#> 2  2020 13264290020000 counterfactual 80000     17886.

What if the market value went down to $300,000?

mkt_value <- 300000
assmt_value <- mkt_value * 0.1
eq_value <- assmt_value * eq_factor

pin_dt_new <- lookup_pin(2020, "13264290020000") %>%
  mutate(av = assmt_value, eav = eq_value) %>%
  setDT(key = c("year", "pin"))

  tax_bill(2020, "13264290020000") %>% mutate(type = "original"),
  tax_bill(2020, "13264290020000", pin_dt = pin_dt_new) %>%
    mutate(type = "counterfactual")
) %>%
  group_by(year, pin, type, av) %>%
  summarize(bill_total = sum(final_tax)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#> # Groups:   year, pin, type [2]
#>    year pin            type              av bill_total
#>   <int> <chr>          <chr>          <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1  2020 13264290020000 original       40371      9026.
#> 2  2020 13264290020000 counterfactual 30000      6707.

In this case, the percentage change in total tax roughly mirrors the percentage change in assessed value. However, this isn’t always true. During a reassessment, the base can increase significantly, resulting in bills going down even for properties with increased assessments.

Change in levy

Changes in levies are another common cause of increased tax bills. Calculating a levy change is not as straightforward as a change in AV, but a good rule-of-thumb is that levies can only increase by 5% or the rate of inflation, whichever is less.

NOTE: Correctly calculating a levy increase can be extremely complicated. Most levies are subject to numerous limiting laws (PTELL, rate limits, tax caps) that can vary by municipality/district

To change a levy, we need to alter the agency_total_ext column of the agency_dt input. Let’s see what happens if we increase Chicago’s levy by 5%.

tax_code <- lookup_tax_code(2020, "13264290020000")

# Add 5% to only Chicago's levy for this PIN
agency_dt_new <- lookup_agency(2020, tax_code) %>%
  mutate(agency_total_ext = ifelse(
    agency_num == "030210000",
    agency_total_ext + (agency_total_ext * 0.05),
  )) %>%
  setDT(key = c("year", "tax_code", "agency_num"))

  tax_bill(2020, "13264290020000") %>% mutate(type = "original"),
  tax_bill(2020, "13264290020000", agency_dt = agency_dt_new) %>%
    mutate(type = "counterfactual")
) %>%
  group_by(year, pin, type, av) %>%
  summarize(bill_total = sum(final_tax)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#> # Groups:   year, pin, type [2]
#>    year pin            type              av bill_total
#>   <int> <chr>          <chr>          <int>      <dbl>
#> 1  2020 13264290020000 original       40371      9026.
#> 2  2020 13264290020000 counterfactual 40371      9129.

A 5% increase in the Chicago levy leads to a roughly $100 increase in taxes for this PIN, holding all else constant.

Tax bills over time

We can also use PTAXSIM to look at how tax bills have changed over time. To do so, simply use tax_bill() to get multiple years’ worth of bills. The PTAXSIM database starts in 2006, so we can use that as our earliest year.

bills <- tax_bill(2006:2021, "13264290020000")

bills_summ <- bills %>%
  group_by(pin, year) %>%
  summarize(bill_total = sum(final_tax))

We can plot the total bill over time:

Click here to show plot code

And even plot the change of the proportion of tax dollars going to each district:

Click here to show plot code

This PIN’s bill has increased over 3x since 2006. A significant portion of that increase is due to increases in the Chicago Public Schools levy.

Advanced scenarios

PTAXSIM can also be used to perform much more advanced analysis, such as calculating the impact of appeals or changes to exemptions. These analyses involve creating multiple counterfacual inputs for the tax_bill() function and typically require recalculating the tax base.

If you’re comfortable with data.table or dplyr and want to dive further into PTAXSIM, check out the articles section for a list of advanced vignettes.