Check property characteristics against class definitions as defined # nolint here. # nolint

vars_check_class(age, sqft, class)



Integer or numeric vector of ages of properties. Either 1 long or the same length as sqft and class.


Integer or numeric vector of the square footage of properties. Either 1 long or the same length as age and class.


String or character vector of class codes. Either 1 long or the same length as sqft and age.


A logical vector indicating that the specified class falls within the parameters specified by class_dict. Throws error if input data types are incorrect or if length conditions of input vectors are not met.

See also

Other vars_funs: vars_recode(), vars_rename()


vars_check_class(50, 800, "202")
#> [1] TRUE
vars_check_class(c(50, 80), c(800, 1000), c("202", "203"))
#> [1] TRUE TRUE
vars_check_class(c(50, 80), 1000, "210")
#> [1] FALSE  TRUE
vars_check_class(50, c(800, 2000), "202")
#> [1]  TRUE FALSE
vars_check_class(50, 1000, c("202", "203"))
#> [1] FALSE  TRUE