Calculate sales ratio statistics (COD, PRD, PRB) according to Cook County Assessor's Office Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

The main SOPs affecting these calculations are:

  1. Outlier trimming. Sales ratio performance statistics are quite sensitive to outliers. As a result, the top and bottom 5\ always dropped.

  2. Minimum sample size. Sales ratio performance statistics can be inaccurate or misleading when the input sample is small. As a result, samples with less than 20 observations after trimming outliers will stop execution or will return NA if suppress = TRUE.

For more information on how each statistic or its confidence interval is calculated. See its respective function in the AssessR package.

ccao_cod(ratio, suppress = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)

ccao_prd(assessed, sale_price, suppress = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)

ccao_prb(assessed, sale_price, suppress = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)



A numeric vector of ratios centered around 1, where the numerator of the ratio is the estimated fair market value and the denominator is the actual sale price. NOTE: CCAO typically uses lagged or leading ratios to lessen the effect of sales chasing.


Default FALSE. A boolean value indicating whether or not to ignore minimum sample size requirements (N must be >= 20). If TRUE when N < 20, will return NAs.


Default FALSE. A boolean value indicating whether or not to remove NA values. If missing values are present but not removed the function will output NA.


A numeric vector of assessed values. Must be the same length as sale_price.


A numeric vector of sale prices. Must be the same length as assessed.


A named list containing the statistic, its 95% confidence interval, whether or not the statistic meets the IAAO standard, whether or not the 95% confidence interval overlaps the IAAO standard, and the number of observations used to calculate the statistic (after outliers are removed).


  • ccao_cod(): Return named list of CCAO SOP compliant COD statistics.

  • ccao_prd(): Return named list of CCAO SOP compliant PRD statistics.

  • ccao_prb(): Return named list of CCAO SOP compliant PRB statistics.


# Load sample data from assessr
df <- assessr::ratios_sample

# Calculate performance stats using CCAO SOP defaults
#> $COD
#> [1] 12.12839
#> $COD_CI
#>     2.5%    97.5% 
#> 11.42146 12.88266 
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
#> $COD_N
#> [1] 881
ccao_prd(df$assessed, df$sale_price)
#> $PRD
#> [1] 1.019631
#> $PRD_CI
#>     2.5%    97.5% 
#> 1.010899 1.028888 
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
#> $PRD_N
#> [1] 881
ccao_prb(df$assessed, df$sale_price)
#> $PRB
#> [1] -5.926613e-05
#> $PRB_CI
#>       2.5 %      97.5 % 
#> -0.01013172  0.01001319 
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
#> $PRB_N
#> [1] 881