Detect outlier values using IQR/quantile method#

assesspy.is_outlier(x: list[int] | list[float] | Series, method: str = 'iqr', probs: tuple[float, float] = (0.05, 0.95), mult: float = 3.0) Series#

Detect outliers in numeric values using standard methods.

Certain assessment performance statistics are sensitive to extreme outliers. As such, it is often necessary to remove outliers before performing a sales ratio study.

The IAAO standard method is to remove outliers that are 3 * IQR. Warnings are thrown when sample size is extremely small or when the IQR is extremely narrow. See IAAO Standard on Ratio Studies Appendix B. Outlier Trimming Guidelines for more information.

  • x (Array-like numeric values) – A list or pd.Series of numeric values, typically sales ratios. Must be longer than 2 and cannot contain Inf or NaN values.

  • method (str) – Default iqr. String indicating outlier detection method. Options are iqr or quantile.

  • probs (tuple[float]) – Upper and lower percentiles boundaries for the quantile method.

  • mult (float) – Default 3. Multiple of IQR to use as the outlier detection threshold.


A boolean pd.Series the same length as x indicating whether or not each value of x is an outlier.

Return type:



# Detect outliers:
import assesspy as ap
